Nvidia RTX 2050 Definitely Not Happening | Here is Why

Rumors Claim Nvidia Working on RTX 2050

Nvidia RTX

When Nvidia released their Turing GPUs, gamers weren’t very happy with the high prices and low-performance gains over last-gen cards. Nvidia RTX‘s most mentioned feature, Ray Tracing performed really bad when RTX came out and that made gamers dislike RTX even more. Overall, gamers weren’t pleased with Nvidia until the GTX 1660 Ti came out. The GTX 1660 Ti offered good performance gains over last-gen and it was priced at $270. If you follow the news, you might’ve heard about the RTX 2050 or the GTX 2050 which were mentioned by Dell but, those GPUs are most likely not happening. At least not in 2019.

RTX 2050 Spotted on Dell Website

A few day or two ago, news broke out that Dell had accidentally leaked the RTX 2050. If you went on Dell’s website and checked out their G5 15 Gaming Laptop you would’ve noticed that under the Ports & Slots section the number 9 port was described as a USB-C DisplayPort/ USB-C Thunderbolt and when you clicked on the word thunderbolt, it read “…the USB-C DisplayPort will be on systems with RTX 2050.” 

RTX 2050 Not Happening

There are a few reasons for why Nvidia wouldn’t release the RTX 2050 but, the biggest one is the fact that it’d just cannibalize their GTX 16-series GPUs. If the RTX 2050 is priced less then $300, it’d be competing with Nvidia’s GTX 1660 Ti hence it doesn’t make any sense for Nvidia to release the RTX 2050. What if they price it a bit more then $300? Well, then no one would buy it because for a little more they could simply buy the RTX 2060 which will likely perform way better than the RTX 2060. 

Another reason is the fact that the RTX 2050 probably wouldn’t be powerful enough to run triple-A games at ultra 1080p with DXR at medium and still get 60 FPS. On Metro Exodux set to 1080p ultra, the RTX 2060 struggled to run the game with DXR set to medium and still get 60 FPS. If the RTX 2060 is struggling, there would be no point in buying the RTX 2050 for DXR as it wouldn’t work on most demanding triple-A games and, if DXR doesn’t work there is no point in buying the RTX 2050 over the GTX 1660 Ti.

Tags and Keywords:
Technology, Video Games, PC Hardware, Nvidia, Ray Tracing, RTX, RTX 2050, Leaks and Rumors

Sina Far